Training Opportunities

Occasionally, Lafayette Instrument Company holds seminars for training and demonstrations of our products.

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Training Opportunities

Occasionally, Lafayette Instrument Company holds seminars for training and demonstrations of our products.


PEAK Advanced Training on the Empirical Scoring System - Multinomial (ESS-M) & Algorithms

Date: September 23 - 25, 2024
Location: Indianapolis, IN


Presented by Raymond Nelson on behalf of PEAK Credibility Assessment Training Center

PEAK is conducting a three-day seminar featuring a “deep dive” into understanding the Empirical Scoring System – Multinomial (ESS-M) and other algorithms for polygraph data analysis. The American Polygraph Association (APA) board of directors recently approved a Model Policy for Algorithm Use in Evidentiary Polygraph Examinations. This model policy will affect anyone doing stipulated testing. Experience in this area will likely influence the development of policies and standards in other areas of polygraph field practice.

This three-day training will provide an in-depth (deep dive) into understanding the ESS-M, including both manual and automated versions of the scoring system. It will also include a discussion of other open-source/open-standard algorithms including the Objective Scoring System-3, (OSS-3) Probability Analysis (PA), and Ipsative-Z algorithms.

Attendees will become acquainted with each step of the ESS-M process from feature extraction, numerical transformations, statistical reference models, and decision rules. Participants will leave with a complete understanding of the ESS-M and how they contrast with other scoring algorithms including the OSS-3, Probability Analysis, and the Ipsative-Z methods. Participants will also learn how decision rules and cutscores are selected and optimized for different scoring methods and will learn to understand how the prior probability (the strength of information before polygraph testing) alpha levels for statistical significance play a role in polygraph outcomes. Practical emphasis will address how to use and report the results from various algorithms with consideration for the APA Position Statement on Validation of Polygraph Techniques, Methods, Technologies, and Hypotheses.

Raymond Nelson is a polygraph researcher and field examiner. He was involved in the development of both the ESS-M and OSS-3 algorithms and has studied and replicated several computer algorithms for polygraph data analysis.

The training will take place at the Indiana State Police Post Indianapolis - 8620 East 21st St. Indianapolis, IN 46219. Attendance will be limited and the class is expected to fill quickly so please register as soon as possible.

Cost: $500.00 per attendee
Provides 24 CEH


PEAK Advanced PCSOT Training Course - Boise, ID

Date: November 19 - 21, 2024
Location: Boise, ID


Presented by Clifford (Chip) Morgan on behalf of the PEAK Credibility Assessment Training Center

This seminar is not an introductory course, nor does it qualify an examiner as having attended an APA approved 40 hour basic PCSOT training course.

PEAK is excited to announce our first west coast Advanced PCSOT training course. This class is designed for examiners who are involved in PCSOT and will focus on field-related issues that can arise. The class will be about 40% lecture format with multimedia support (videos, PowerPoint). The class should be about 15% student discussion based, 15% test data analysis of actual PCSOT charts (with known outcomes) and 30% problem solving using case studies and scenarios.


    1. An overview of the PCSOT system and various roles within that framework
      • Post Conviction Examinees
      • Therapists
      • Probation/Parole supervision
      • Polygraph
    2. Maintenance testing versus Monitoring testing
      • When each is appropriate
      • Diagnostic opinions
      • Understanding how prior probability (base rates) of target can affect the outcome confidence of a polygraph examination result.
    3. Screening tests versus Diagnostic tests
      • How screening differs from diagnostic testing
      • Appropriate follow-up testing
    4. Testing formats – Overview of various techniques that meet APA criterion.
    5. Review of actual PCSOT cases
      • Supplied by the instructor
      • Test Data Analysis with known outcomes
      • Interviewing critique and discussion
      • Discussion of resolution of problems that can arise in PCSOT
    6. Case scenarios for class development
      • Scenarios of various types of PCSOT testing and clientele.
      • Students responsible for developing:
        • Interviewing approach
        • Test format decision
        • Test administration and data analysis
        • Report writing
    7. Interviewing – Pre and Post Test
    8. An overview of recent changes to the APA PCSOT Model Policy.

Chip Morgan is the 2023-2024 President-Elect of the APA and a nationally recognized trainer and lecturer. Mr. Morgan has shared his training and expertise with others in government, military, law enforcement and corrections arenas.

The training will take place at the Ada County Sheriff's Office - 7200 Barrister Drive, Boise, Idaho 83704. Attendance will be limited and the class is expected to fill quickly so please register as soon as possible.

Cost: $500.00 per attendee
Provides 24 CEH


PEAK Advanced Examiner's Course

Date: December 2 - 6, 2024
Location: Lafayette, IN - Raymond Nelson, Instructor


In this course, students improve their ability to prepare for and administer polygraph examinations. They will be introduced to a myriad of validated polygraph techniques, as well as procedures to reduce inconclusive results, improve test data quality, and improve their overall knowledge of polygraph as a whole. The curriculum is flexible in that the instructors accommodate to the wants and needs of the students attending.

Provides 40 CEH


PEAK Basic Examiner's Course

Date: January 6 - March 14, 2025
Location: Cape Coral, FL

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Basic Polygraph Examiner's Course is APA accredited and consists of a minimum of 400 hours. Timelines and schedules are flexible and always changing to accommodate class needs and instructor availability. The order of topics covered will vary from class to class. Most Basic Polygraph Examiner's Courses for this institute are completed in a ten-consecutive-week cycle. Nevertheless, all basic courses offered will be completed in not fewer than 10 nor more than 17 weeks according to accreditation standards. Read below for an in-depth explanation of the benefits of the PEAK Basic Course. The Basic Examiner's Course fee is generally due prior to the beginning of the course of study unless other arrangements are made through the training center. The tuition fees include all course materials, supplies and use of equipment and polygraph instrumentation together with staff consultation while in attendance.


PEAK Post Conviction Sex Offender Testing (PCSOT) Course

Date: March 17 - 21, 2025
Location: Cape Coral, FL


The Post-Conviction Sex Offender Testing (PCSOT) Course prepares students to successfully complete the End of Course Written Examination, approved and recognized by the APA. This examination is only required for those seeking to become PCSOT certified with the American Polygraph Association (APA). The course will consist of a minimum of 40 hours of specialized instruction approved by the APA. The course will review various types of PCSOT examinations, including Instant Offense, Instant Offense Investigative, Prior Allegation, Sexual History I, Sexual History II, Maintenance, and Monitoring Examinations. The course will also include a review of the containment approach, victimology, deviant behavior and treatment for sex offenses, the APA's model PCSOT policy, the APA's & ASTM's standards of practice pertaining to PCSOT testing, and proper test question construction for PCSOT testing.

Law enforcement examiners in particular benefit from this course because the specialized instruction covers a wide range of sex crimes. Whether law enforcement examiners conduct pre-employment, criminal, or internal affairs examinations, they will be prepared to properly interview and test this unique set of crimes. This course also prepares law enforcement examiners who are preparing for leadership positions in law enforcement where they might be required to supervise any or all of the following departments: polygraph, forensics, major crimes, sex crimes, field investigations, human resources and recruitment, or internal affairs programs and personnel.

The course also qualifies for continuing education credits (units) for those who are already PCSOT certified.

Provides 40 CEH


PEAK Advanced Examiner's Course

Date: March 24 - 28, 2025
Location: Cape Coral, FL


In this course, students improve their ability to prepare for and administer polygraph examinations. They will be introduced to a myriad of validated polygraph techniques, as well as procedures to reduce inconclusive results, improve test data quality, and improve their overall knowledge of polygraph as a whole. The curriculum is flexible in that the instructors accommodate to the wants and needs of the students attending.

Provides 40 CEH


PEAK Basic Examiner's Course

Date: May 5 - July 11, 2025
Location: Cape Coral, FL

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Basic Polygraph Examiner's Course is APA accredited and consists of a minimum of 400 hours. Timelines and schedules are flexible and always changing to accommodate class needs and instructor availability. The order of topics covered will vary from class to class. Most Basic Polygraph Examiner's Courses for this institute are completed in a ten-consecutive-week cycle. Nevertheless, all basic courses offered will be completed in not fewer than 10 nor more than 17 weeks according to accreditation standards. Read below for an in-depth explanation of the benefits of the PEAK Basic Course. The Basic Examiner's Course fee is generally due prior to the beginning of the course of study unless other arrangements are made through the training center. The tuition fees include all course materials, supplies and use of equipment and polygraph instrumentation together with staff consultation while in attendance.


PEAK Post Conviction Sex Offender Testing (PCSOT) Course

Date: July 14 - 18, 2025
Location: Cape Coral, FL


The Post-Conviction Sex Offender Testing (PCSOT) Course prepares students to successfully complete the End of Course Written Examination, approved and recognized by the APA. This examination is only required for those seeking to become PCSOT certified with the American Polygraph Association (APA). The course will consist of a minimum of 40 hours of specialized instruction approved by the APA. The course will review various types of PCSOT examinations, including Instant Offense, Instant Offense Investigative, Prior Allegation, Sexual History I, Sexual History II, Maintenance, and Monitoring Examinations. The course will also include a review of the containment approach, victimology, deviant behavior and treatment for sex offenses, the APA's model PCSOT policy, the APA's & ASTM's standards of practice pertaining to PCSOT testing, and proper test question construction for PCSOT testing.

Law enforcement examiners in particular benefit from this course because the specialized instruction covers a wide range of sex crimes. Whether law enforcement examiners conduct pre-employment, criminal, or internal affairs examinations, they will be prepared to properly interview and test this unique set of crimes. This course also prepares law enforcement examiners who are preparing for leadership positions in law enforcement where they might be required to supervise any or all of the following departments: polygraph, forensics, major crimes, sex crimes, field investigations, human resources and recruitment, or internal affairs programs and personnel.

The course also qualifies for continuing education credits (units) for those who are already PCSOT certified.

Provides 40 CEH


PEAK Advanced Examiner's Course

Date: July 21 - 25, 2025
Location: Cape Coral, FL


In this course, students improve their ability to prepare for and administer polygraph examinations. They will be introduced to a myriad of validated polygraph techniques, as well as procedures to reduce inconclusive results, improve test data quality, and improve their overall knowledge of polygraph as a whole. The curriculum is flexible in that the instructors accommodate to the wants and needs of the students attending.

Provides 40 CEH


PEAK Basic Examiner's Course

Date: September 1 - November 7, 2025
Location: Cape Coral, FL

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Basic Polygraph Examiner's Course is APA accredited and consists of a minimum of 400 hours. Timelines and schedules are flexible and always changing to accommodate class needs and instructor availability. The order of topics covered will vary from class to class. Most Basic Polygraph Examiner's Courses for this institute are completed in a ten-consecutive-week cycle. Nevertheless, all basic courses offered will be completed in not fewer than 10 nor more than 17 weeks according to accreditation standards. Read below for an in-depth explanation of the benefits of the PEAK Basic Course. The Basic Examiner's Course fee is generally due prior to the beginning of the course of study unless other arrangements are made through the training center. The tuition fees include all course materials, supplies and use of equipment and polygraph instrumentation together with staff consultation while in attendance.


PEAK Advanced Examiner's Course

Date: December 1 - 5, 2025
Location: Lafayette, IN


In this course, students improve their ability to prepare for and administer polygraph examinations. They will be introduced to a myriad of validated polygraph techniques, as well as procedures to reduce inconclusive results, improve test data quality, and improve their overall knowledge of polygraph as a whole. The curriculum is flexible in that the instructors accommodate to the wants and needs of the students attending.

Provides 40 CEH

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